Understand your customer to successfully market your small business

“I’m starting a social media consulting business – I want to sell my services to other businesses.  Can you give me some clear selling strategies that I should use?”

Put yourself in the shoes of your potential customer – what do you think they need to know about you and your company to buy from you?  There are usually three things your potential customers need to know whether you’re selling social media services or ballpoint pens:

  1. How is this going to help my business? (What’s In It For Me?)
  2. Why should I buy from you? (Credibility)
  3. Prove it. (Facts)

If you can give that information to your customer – with gusto – you’ll close the sale.

More proven selling tactics for small business

In addition to the three points of knowledge above, here are a few other proven tactics in successful sales and marketing:

  1. Customers buy from people they like.
  2. Customers buy from people who understand their needs.
  3. Customers like to buy “remarkable” products and services, not ordinary.
  4. Customers want to know what makes you “remarkable” – so tell them.
  5. Customers like to be heard – so listen.
  6. Customers will have objections – learn to respectfully respond to every objection.

Bottom line in sales and marketing?  Know your target market, understand their needs, be remarkable, deliver remarkable, each and every time.  You’ll be a winner.

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