canadian employment standards by province

2023 labour/employment standards by province

Note: This post first appeared on April 2017. We’re re-posting it here with updated links, to help your small business keep on top of the latest from your provincial government.

There are many rules when it comes to your employees’ working conditions, ranging from work hours, overtime and meal breaks to Sunday closings, whistleblower protection, and mandatory retirement. Of course, minimum wage and minimum daily wage requirements, statutory holidays, equal pay policies and severance pay also apply.

All employers have to comply with these legal employment standards. These employment standards differ by province and by industry. Be aware of required standards as an employer so you can prevent difficulties during CRA’s employer visits, and avoid legal issues.

Check out the Government of Canada’s Labour Program website to find federal minimum wage requirements for experienced adult workers and youth/specific occupations.

Canadian employment standards by province

To get up to speed on your provincial employment standards, visit one of the following websites:

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7 healthy tips for the workplace

healthy-tips-for-the-workplaceAccording to Health & Safety Ontario:

Unhealthy lifestyle practices … contribute to absenteeism, health insurance claims, presenteeism, short- and long-term disability, depression, and accidents. While these habits may be ones that the employee brings to the workplace, work-related stress can make it more difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and may in fact encourage unhealthy habits.

Reducing stressors and encouraging healthy habits in the workplace is not a trivial concern. Taking actions to create a healthy workplace can mean less lost revenue due to absenteeism, fewer accidents, and lower worker’s compensation costs. Not to mention, employees are more likely to stay more engaged and productive when they feel respected and taken care of.

So, how can you create a healthier environment? Here are seven healthy ideas for the workplace:

  1. Instead of pizza and pop at your next lunch meeting or presentation, have healthier options on offer such as sandwiches, fruit, and flavoured water. If you offer snacks on a regular basis, ensure you have healthier options there as well.
  2. Ensure that employees have ergonomic workstations, including proper chairs and computer monitors at the correct height. Some workplaces even use standing desks. For suggestions, check out the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety’s website.
  3. Look for ways to offer flexible working schedules for employees, to reduce the stress of long commute times or not being able to attend to important personal business.
  4. Offer incentives and deals to encourage physical fitness to your employees. This can be a discount on gym memberships, a monthly yoga class, or team charity cycling events.
  5. Check in with your employees regularly to make sure they are maintaining a healthy workload. Avoid piling work on someone without making sure it makes sense first.
  6. Offer opportunities for continual learning and training so employees can upgrade their skills and feel a sense of ownership over their careers.
  7. Foster a culture that doesn’t expect “presenteeism” – working while sick. Ensure that your policies around sick days are fair, and employees have a chance to seek medical attention without feeling guilty.

Still not convinced? According to Health & Safety Ontario, for every dollar Canada Life Insurance spent on its fitness program, they saved $3.43. Sounds like a good investment to us!

Do you have any corporate wellness tips you’d like to share?

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How to set up a payroll account

how-to-set-up-a-payroll-accountYou’ve made the leap and hired your first employee. Congratulations! This means your business is growing so much that you can no longer do everything yourself – a good sign!

However, your duties as an employer have only just begun. Before you can pay your new employee, you will need to let the government know you’ve hired someone. You do that by opening a payroll account with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

There are a few steps involved in setting up a payroll account, but have no fear – we’re here to walk you through it. Check out GoForth’s free Getting Started Guide to setting up a payroll account! It’s easier than you might think! In just five steps, you’ll be all ready to go, and you can focus on being the fantastic employer that you are.

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