Questions to ask when choosing a business name

Your business name can have a huge impact on the perception of your company, so it’s important to take the time to choose it properly. Sit down with a notebook or note-taking app and work through your thoughts to find the right small business name. And be patient – this is a multi-stage process but a very important one!

Answer these questions to help you choose a small business name

Stage one

  1. What are some of the characteristics associated with your company, or that you want to be communicated through your company?
  2. What are your brand’s mission, vision, and values?
  3. Considering your answers to the two prior questions, should the name be professional, cute, something else?
  4. How will you distinguish your name from competitors?
  5. What are some names off the top of your head that could fit your company and set you apart? (Don’t edit here! Just get the ideas out.)
  6. What are some different ways you can describe your product or service?
  7. Will your name describe the product or service that you’re offering?
  8. If not, can you somehow suggest these descriptions in the name or a tagline?

Stage two

Take some time away from this list and return to it either after a coffee break or a good night’s sleep. Once you’re back, take a fresh look at the ideas. Get ready for creative brainstorming. Again, muffle your inner critic and write down whatever you want.

  1. Can you pick your favourite ideas from each question in stage one?
  2. Is there a way that your ideas can fit together to provide one name?
  3. Can you use synonyms or words starting with the same letters to find something catchy?
  4. If catchy doesn’t work, can you pick out some of your favourite letters and start trying to make up some words?

Stage three

Now that you’ve got a few possibilities, do some searching through NUANS Name searches, trademark searches or just a simple Google search.

  1. Is the name, or anything similar to it, already in use?
  2. Can you get your name in an easy-to-remember domain name?
  3. If your ideal URL isn’t available, can you add a descriptive word to make it work but still keep it memorable and concise?
  4. Can you use your business name on social media consistently (meaning: the same handle across all channels)?

If you get to this stage and find that you’ve hit a roadblock, don’t lose heart! Maybe pick another idea from earlier in the process and see where that leads, or think of alternatives to your possible names.

Good luck!

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