You Should Sell These! How to Start a Business Selling Your Handcrafted Work
You knit lovely sweaters or create pottery bowls your whole family loves to get as presents. All your friends are urging you to quit your day job and make your mark selling your wares. You’ll be famous! You’ll make a fortune!
Or will you?
Starting any kind of profitable business takes perseverance and hard work. Expecting to make a decent living from a hobby is an especially big challenge. However, a little preparation goes a long way. Spend as much time and effort learning how to set up and run your craft business as you do making your beautiful quilts, and you have a chance at success. Do your homework. Take the time to develop your idea and business skills before you hang your handmade shingle.
Can you make money with a craft-based small business?
It might not be the immediate fun you’re hoping for, but here’s the truth: creating beautiful items is one thing and knowing how to make a profit from your work takes a completely different talent. Something you’ve had fun with as a pastime may soon lose its appeal when you have to churn out item after item to fill orders. All our GoForth free resource downloads can help you determine whether you can make a living or if you’d be better off sticking with your passion as a hobby.
Handcrafted goods are enjoying immense appeal and popularity at the moment. And yes, people do make money. Check out what others are charging for the same type of product as you’ll be selling to get an idea of what’s going on with similar businesses. Sites like eBay and Etsy are great for a bit of anonymous market research.
At GoForth, we support craftspeople and their quests to fill our homes and lives with beauty. You’ll find answers to handicraft related questions from our experts and help in creating that fabulous online craft business by taking our online training course.
Have you started a small business from your handcrafted work? Tell us your story!