How to implement your small business branding and marketing strategy

implement-small-business-marketing-strategySo you’ve created a branding and marketing plan for your small business that you’re really proud of. Congratulations! However, you’re not done yet – now you have to put those great plans into action.

Once you have a clear strategy for the branding and marketing of your small business, it’s important to put together an implementation plan to make sure everything gets done properly.

Here are the steps we suggest you take to develop a solid marketing implementation plan:

  • Set your clear and measurable business objectives (for example: 12 new clients in six months, or $250,000 in sales in 12 months).
  • Make sure you segment your market.
  • Pick one or two segments and make sure you understand what needs they have.
  • Define your product, pricing, promotion and place strategies.
  • Create an implementation schedule.
  • Create measures of success along the way.
  • Create your marketing budgets and decide how much to spend and track those expenses.
  • Evaluate your strategy. How did you do? Is there anything you could have done differently?

Do you have any branding and marketing strategy advice for your fellow entrepreneurs? What steps worked for you?

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