How has your lifestyle changed since becoming an entrepreneur?
- Published
- in Entrepreneurial Inspiration
Starting your own business – diving into the world of entrepreneurship – is rarely an uneventful ride. No matter what kind of entrepreneurship journey you’re on, we bet your life just feels different than it did before. With that theory in mind, we polled some entrepreneurs on our Facebook and Twitter pages and asked them how their lifestyle has changed since becoming an entrepreneur. Here are some of their answers.
“I care more about absolutely everything. My family, business, fitness, social interactions, etc.” – OD
“I’ve understood the value in my own skills and dreams. I’m much more confident than I used to be.” – SM
“I’m more observant of the world around me. I enjoy meeting people more than I did when I was working for a paycheque, hearing their stories, learning from them; everything is just a little more meaningful than before. Of course, I’m also more grateful for what I have – the long hard days of start-up have made me appreciate time off and positive cash flow more than when I was working.” – LR
“My priorities have fallen into place – I now understand what it means to work hard and relax hard. After sometimes crazy days at work, the free time I have is spent doing only what I truly love, with my favourite people.” – MI
What about you? How has entrepreneurship changed you?
Being an entrepreneur for four years has opened my eyes to opportunity. I can see that I can “create my life” rather than waiting for someone else to acknowledge me.
Thanks for sharing, Stefania. How wonderful a feeling it is to know you can create your own life!