From the archives: Why a business model is so important

It’s a new year, and maybe this is the year you take the exciting step of becoming an entrepreneur.

What better time than the beginning of the year to make that preliminary sketch of your thrilling new small business? You’ve probably got a lot of ideas kicking around in your head, so now’s the time to see which of them will help your new venture, and which might not.

That’s where the business model comes in. Your business model is the blueprint for small business success. It helps you figure out all the various aspects of your small business – from your costs to your distribution model to the value you’re providing for your customers. Running a successful small business is about more than marketing or sales or any one aspect – it’s all of them!

The business model is the foundation of your small business

No matter what you do in your small business, we strongly recommend you start with a business model. It can save you money and lots of wasted time and effort.

So what goes into a business model? We’re glad you asked! Check out one of our most popular blog posts: Why a business model is so important. A business model will help get your business on the track to success – don’t leave home without it!

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