Five tips on hiring your first employee

social entrepreneurship

Whether hiring employees took you by surprise or was part of your business plan all along, it’s not a task to take lightly. Your very first employee must fill a position that is necessary, well-planned and even fulfilling.

Here are five quick tips to keep in mind when hiring the first employee in your small business:

1. Plan, plan, plan – Once you’ve caught yourself thinking about hiring someone, sit down, get out some paper and plan it all out.

2. Consider the timing – Make sure you know your business and its cycles of profit and loss, slow periods and busy periods. Make sure your employee can be busy, productive and fulfilled as much as possible.

3. Hire someone you’d enjoy working with – Skills and experience are important, but not the full picture. Look also for someone you’d enjoy working with and vice versa.

4. Work your network as well as traditional recruitment channels – Let your contacts know you’re hiring, the necessary tasks and all other details. They might be able to refer a candidate to you who may not have come across your job ad on their own.

5. Ensure you’re following the law – There are many legal and regulatory requirements you might not be aware of, including: Workers’ Compensation; filing for a registered Business Number if you don’t have one already (because you’ll no longer be a sole proprietorship); paying your employee; and registering for a Payroll Deductions account.

Want a few more details on these five tips? Click here to download our free resource on hiring your first employee.

Hiring your first employee can be exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. Be prepared, plan it all out and make sure everything’s above board. Growing your small business is an enriching experience. Enjoy it!

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