Tips for face-to-face sales

Face-to-face selling is very common in the initial stages of business to get your product or service seen and known — especially for retail businesses. Although it can be very costly (because it’s so labour-intensive) it’s also very credible, clear and focused on your target market. So, how can you improve your sales techniques in a natural way that meets your customer’s needs?

Tips for face-to-face sales

To be effective, the customer has to be interested first. You can help this along by letting people know that you have a product or service that can meet their needs and offer a solution.

Next, determine what needs to happen for this customer to buy what you’re selling. It’s important to ask the customer what they’d like included with the product or service, or particular elements or characteristics that they’d like to see. Be sure to meet your customer’s conditions and requirements when producing and selling your product.

Aside from meeting conditions, you must also address your customer’s hesitations. Assess your offerings honestly and consider some of the “turn-offs” or downsides to your product or service, and be sure to come up with ways of improving or defending any potential concerns or objections that your customer may have. Be sure to answer questions persuasively and comfort concerns.

To close the sale, avoid letting the customer leave with an excuse or a conditional promise. Ask them directly how they’d like to pay for the product or service, or book an appointment for delivery.

Finally, to satisfy the customer and encourage loyalty, perform post-sales activities and follow-up to ensure customer satisfaction.

Make sure your entire team is well-trained, know your products or services, and knows how to develop a solution to your customer’s problems.

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How to market to Gen Z consumers effectively

With the oldest members of Generation Z being born in the mid-late nineties, they’re a generation every business should pay attention to – even if you’re a Gen Z entrepreneur yourself! According to Statistics Canada, Gen Z has overtaken Gen X in terms of generational size.

As the younger members grow out of teenagehood and start getting jobs and money of their own, Gen Z will make up a large proportion of potential customers. As digital natives, they have their own preferences and habits that are worth understanding.

So, how do you market to Gen Z consumers effectively?

Email marketing program Campaign Monitor recently released a Gen Z Consumer Trends Index Report. It’s focused on American members of the generation, but there are similarities that Canadian business owners should know. For example:

  • More than half of Gen Z consumers made an in-app, mobile purchase in the past year
  • 84% of Gen Z consumers prefer authenticity and businesses that understand their specific needs
  • 70% of Gen Z takes data privacy very seriously
  • Interestingly, 74% of Gen Z are willing to share surface-level information about themselves (such as their hobbies) for better service
  • Just over half of Gen Z consumers participate in loyalty programs

To us, this data suggests Gen Z consumers respond best to marketing that feels tailored to them, making an authentic connection rather than making them feel like just a number. Help them feel like part of a rewarding community that deserves their loyalty. And, of course, mobile-friendly marketing options should be high on the priority list!

Check out the report here – how can you tweak your business’ marketing to engage the growing Generation Z demographic?

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Small business blog posts we liked this week

Happy December! Whether or not winter weather has arrived where you are, we hope you can take a moment to pause and read some interesting small business articles and blog posts we’ve read recently.

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