2011 roundups from our favourite business blogs
It’s the end of December, which means you’ve probably seen your fair share of “end of the year” lists. We have too, and wanted to share some of our favourites from the business, social media and entrepreneurship blogospheres. Enjoy!
- Some cautionary tales from Inc., including Bizarre HR of 2011; and
- Top 12 Social Media Blunders of 2011
- The 25 worst passwords of 2011. A must-read for all small business owners.
- From Popular Science, 10 Top Inventions for 2011 (not a business blog, but all you inventive entrepreneurs can find value in this one)
- A Year’s Worth of Occasionally Disturbing Research on How to Get Ahead from Harvard Business Review.
- In January, Mashable posted a list of 10 Websites to Watch in 2011. Take a look – what do you think of the predictions, almost one year later?
Do you have any business-related year in review list you’d like to share?